Data Protection Declaration

Data Protection Declaration

1. Introduction

The purpose of this Statement is to inform you about the use made of the personal data that we collect in the context of the provision of our services and products, including when consulting our website and our social media.

This Statement applies to personal data we already hold or that we collect in the future.

The processing of your personal data is subject to the applicable data protection legislation in force in Switzerland, including in particular the Federal Data Protection Act of September 25, 2020, which came into force on September September 2023 (LPD).

Personal data is considered to be any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter the “Data”). This includes information such as name, address, telephone number, email address, IP address and information that can be used to identify devices.

2. Controller of your Data

Responsible for processing your Data:

Boxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SA

Boxwin SA

Boxwin SA

Boxwin SA

  • Boxwin SA

    Boxwin SA

    • Boxwin SA

      Boxwin SA

      • Boxwin SA

        Boxwin SA

        Boxwin SA

        • Boxwin SABoxwin SA
        • Operation, maintenance and optimization of our services and products, including our website;
        • Boxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SABoxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          5.1 Service providers, partners and subcontractors

          Boxwin SA

          We may transmit Personal Data to our employees, to third-party service providers (trustees, banks, media agencies, legal advisors, etc.), to partner companies (to integrate and offer new services or products for example) and to subcontractors (hosting services, application managers, domain name managers, etc.).

          Boxwin SA

          These third parties to whom we communicate Personal Data are not authorized to use them for purposes or uses other than those described in this Declaration.

          Boxwin SA

          However, when we integrate third-party services or content on our website that may allow you to interact directly with them (for example, an online payment service), the Data that you enter is then either transmitted to these third parties for the purpose of processing and performing the service concerned and your Data is then processed in accordance with their own provisions regarding the use and protection of data.

          Boxwin SA

          Provided that the legal conditions are met, third-party service providers, partner companies and subcontractors likely to receive Personal Data may be established in any country, in particular in Switzerland, in the EEA countries as well as in the United States.

          Boxwin SA

          If Personal Data is communicated abroad (outside the European Union) in a State which does not have, according to the list established by the Federal Council, legislation ensuring an adequate level of protection (in accordance with Annex 1 of the Data Protection Ordinance of 31 August 2023), you will be informed of the State concerned and whether the Data has been communicated within the framework of the contractual guarantees provided for in Art. 16 para. 2 LPD or the exceptions provided for in Art. 17 LPD.

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Right to object to processing

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SA

          In accordance with applicable legislation, we use appropriate organizational and technical security measures to protect your Data against accidental or intentional manipulation, against total or partial loss or destruction or against unauthorized access by third parties. Our security measures are improved in line with technological developments.

          Boxwin SA

          Boxwin SABoxwin SA

10. Effective Date

This Statement was last updated on September 25, 2023.

Copyright © 2023 - SA

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